Emergency Legislation for the April 10, 2018 Legislative Meeting (Alley Closing in Sq 748)



1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20004




TO:                Nyasha Smith, Secretary to the Council


FROM:         Phil Mendelson, Chairman and Councilmember Charles Allen


DATE:         April 5, 2018


RE:                Request to Place Emergency Measure on the Agenda for the April 10, 2018 Legislative Meeting



The following measures are placed on the agenda for the April 10, 2018 Legislative Meeting:



This measure would close a portion of the public alley system in Square 748, as shown on the Surveyor’s plat filed in S.O. 16-21105 and located at 1109 Congress Street, N.E.  Square 748, Lots 78 and 819 are bounded by 3rd Street, L Street, M Street, 2nd Street, N.E. and Delaware Avenue, in Northeast, in Ward 6.


The purpose of the alley closing is to facilitate a mixed-use development project offering 64 residential units and up to 4,000 square feet of retail and makers space.  The 675 square foot portion of the existing alley is an east-west leg of an interior L-shaped alley system, which is accessible from Congress Street, N.E.  The applicant is JS Congress Holdings, LLC.  As part of the development plan, the Applicant will grant a new 15-foot-wide public access easement to replace the proposed alley closure, 40-feet to the east.  With the easement the new alley system will be better than the current alley.  A permanent version of this legislation was approved unanimously at first reading on March 6, 2018 and is scheduled for second reading on April 10, 2018.  Enacting the legislation on an emergency basis would make the closing effective sooner than congressional review and enable the project to proceed without further delay.


The draft