Proposed Council Period 23 Rules of Organization and Procedure

Please see attached an updated copy of the Council Rules to be voted on at today’s organizational meeting.  This version includes minor updates to committee jurisdictions inadvertently omitted from the version circulated last evening as well as other minor editorial and formatting changes.




Attached is a copy of the proposed Council Period 23 Rules of Organization and Procedure for the Council.  Almost all of the changes from Council Period 22 have been highlighted (there may be a few minor, unintended omissions).  Except for the changes in Committees (Rules 231-243) which were distributed by the Chairman at the brief Administrative Meeting on December 20th, the more substantive changes from CP 22 are:

  • Rule 263 clarifies the General Counsel’s duty to represent members and staff
  • Rule 307 establishes a 4pm deadline for the Mayor to file contracts
  • Rules 309 & 310 strengthen requirements (including a deadline for requests) for members to get Fiscal Impact Statements from the budget office and Legislative Sufficiency Determinations from General Counsel
  • Rule 338 limits the presentation of ceremonial resolutions to resolutions already adopted at a prior meeting, and limits the cumulative time a member may use to present ceremonials to 30 minutes per Council Period
  • Rule 356 requires that amendments in the nature of a substitute must include a rationale explaining legislative intent
  • Rule 366 requires that where a TAFA states that an abatement or tax relief is not necessary, the measure shall require a 2/3rds vote
  • The extensive edits involving open meetings, FOIA, and the transaction of public business by electronic format reflect existing law and rules and do not provide any new requirements
  • Rule 421 requires 24 hours’ notice of a roundtable
  • Rule 522 establishes a deadline of 48 hours before a hearing for Executive Agencies to submit their written statements
  • Rule 803 has been edited to convey that committee reports must provide comprehensive information as to background & need for measures being reported, and the reports must also summarize and attach a TAFA if one was provided.
  • Rule 811 makes General Counsel the Council’s FOIA Officer.
  • In addition, the attached Rules have FOIA under the jurisdiction of the Committee of the Whole (this may not have been in the December 20th document).

If you have any questions, please contact Nicole Streeter.  Thank you.


Evan Cash

Committee and Legislative Director

Committee of the Whole

Chairman Phil Mendelson