Request to Place Emergency Measures on the Agenda for the April 2, 2019 Legislative Meeting



1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20004




TO:                  Nyasha Smith, Secretary to the Council


FROM:            Phil Mendelson, Chairman


DATE:             March 28, 2019


RE:           Request to Place Emergency Measures on the Agenda for the April 2, 2019 Legislative Meeting



               This is to request that the following measure be placed on the agenda for the April 2, 2019 Regular Meeting Legislative Meeting, at the request of Events DC:


§  Destination DC Marketing Services Contract Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2019

§  Destination DC Marketing Services Contract Emergency Approval Resolution of 2019


               These measures would approve a multiyear agreement between the Washington Convention and Sports Authority (known as Events DC) and the Washington, DC Convention and Tourism Corporation (known as Destination DC).  District law requires Events DC to maintain the Washington Convention Center Marketing Fund (“Fund”) to promote conventions, tourism, and leisure travel in the District of Columbia, and the hosting of sporting events, sports teams, recreational events and entertainment events in the District, and to contract with certain entities to achieve those purposes, with payment for such services to be drawn from the Fund.  By law, Destination DC serves as the entity to execute the promotional campaign.


               Under this multiyear contract, which necessitates active Council approval, Events DC and Destination DC will enter into a marketing agreement with a term from date of full execution through September 30, 2023, with five one-year optional renewal periods.  The contract amount is an annual amount equal to 86% of the dedicated hotel taxes deposited into the Convention Center Marketing Fund annually, but in no event less than $4,000,000.  In addition, certain hotel tax revenues are to be transferred to Events DC which is then transferred to Destination DC.