COW Budget Hearing (5/27 at 9am)

Council of the District of Columbia
Committee of the Whole

 Attached please find the draft witness list and registration information for the Committee of the Whole’s upcoming public hearing on:

  • Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs
  • Office of Planning
  • Office of Zoning
  • Historic Preservation Review Board (public witnesses only)
  • District of Columbia Retirement Board (public witnesses only)
  • Other Post-Employment Administration (public witnesses only)

The hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, May 27, 2020, at 9:00 a.m. via Zoom.  It is likely that we will be on the agency witnesses much earlier than the originally noticed Noon time given the few witnesses that signed up.


All Councilmembers and witnesses should have already received an invitation for the hearing in a separate email.  Anyone else wishing to join the hearing in real time as an attendee should register at


Visit on Tuesday to download submitted testimony and the final witness list.  Please let me know if you have any questions, or if any Councilmembers can confirm their attendance.  We are circulating this earlier than normal to give an opportunity to register for the Zoom.


The hearing can be also be viewed at;; and


Evan Cash

Committee and Legislative Director

Committee of the Whole

Chairman Phil Mendelson


John A. Wilson Building

1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Suite 410

Washington, DC 20004

Tel: (202) 724-7002



Subscribe to e-mail updates for news and notice of

upcoming hearing at