Emergency Legislation for the June 15, 2021 Legislative Meeting



1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20004




TO:                  Nyasha Smith, Secretary to the Council


FROM:            Phil Mendelson, Chairman


DATE:                June 10, 2021


RE:           Emergency Legislation for the June 15, 2021 Legislative Meeting



               This memorandum serves as notice that I intend to move the following measures at the June 15, 2021 additional legislative meeting:


§  PR 24-269, “Fiscal Year 2021 Revised Local Budget Advance School Payment Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2021”

§  Bill 24-277, “Fiscal Year 2021 Revised Local Budget Advance School Payment Emergency Amendment Act of 2021”

§  Bill 24-278, “Fiscal Year 2021 Revised Local Budget Advance School Payment Temporary Amendment Act of 2021”


               The measures listed above were introduced at the request of the Mayor on May 27, 2021 as part of the Fiscal Year 2022 budget package.


The Fiscal Year 2021 Local Budget Act of 2020 (“FY 2021 LBA), effective October 20, 2020 (D.C. Law 23-136; 67 DCR 13201), requires advance payments to District of Columbia Public Schools and District of Columbia Public Charter School Charter schools to be authorized on July 1, 2021, based on certain percentages of the total amount of appropriated local funds in the Fiscal Year 2022 budget as approved by the Council. However, due to the ongoing public health emergency, the transmission of the Fiscal Year 2022 Local Budget Act of 2021 was delayed, pushing final reading to August 3, 2021. This prevents the Mayor from making the advance school payments as currently prescribed. Given the need for public schools and public charter schools to have sufficient funding in advance of the new school year, this emergency amends the Fiscal Year 2021 Local Budget Act of 2020 to allow the advance payment amount to be based on the Fiscal Year 2022 appropriation as approved on first reading, which is July 20, 2021, rather than second reading. The measure also changes the date of the advance payment from July 1 to July 31, 2021.


               Please note that I intend to move an Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute (ANS) for each of these items at next week’s meeting; the ANS versions will circulate on Monday, July 14, 2021. Importantly, the ANS may include appropriation authority for a portion of federal stimulus funding.  In that case, the Office of the Budget Director will circulate a list of the proposed items for inclusion.


               Please contact me or Jennifer Budoff, Council Budget Director, if you have any questions.


cc:          All Councilmember

               Council Officers   



Evan Cash

Committee and Legislative Director

Committee of the Whole

Chairman Phil Mendelson


John A. Wilson Building

1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Suite 410

Washington, DC 20004

Tel: (202) 724-7002



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