Notice of ANS for the January 4, 2022 Legislative Meeting (B24-96)



1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20004




TO:                  Nyasha Smith, Secretary to the Council


FROM:       Chairman Phil Mendelson and Councilmember Anita Bonds


DATE:        January 3, 2022


RE:                  Notice of intent to move an amendment in the nature of a substitute at the January 4, 2022 Legislative Meeting


            This memorandum serves as notice that I and Councilmember Bonds intend to move an amendment in the nature of a substitute (ANS) for Bill 24-96, the “Eviction Record Sealing Authority and Fairness in Renting Amendment Act of 2021” at the Legislative Meeting scheduled for January 4, 2022. The ANS:


  • Clarifies that certain requirements under Section 16-1501 do not apply to complaints involving commercial tenants;
  • Ensures that prospective tenant’s receive complete and accurate information about their rights regarding tenant screening;
  • Prohibits housing providers from charging more than $35 for an application fee;
  • Prohibits housing providers from basing an adverse action on a prospective tenant’s lack of a credit score;
  • Provides for enforcement of Section 510 through the Office of Human Rights (OHR), subject to appropriations; and
  • Allows prospective tenants to file a civil action against a housing provider who has violated the law in Superior Court if they do not pursue enforcement through OHR.


            A copy of the proposed ANS is attached.  Please call me or Blaine Stum if you have any questions at (202) 724-8092.



Evan Cash

Committee and Legislative Director

Committee of the Whole

Chairman Phil Mendelson


John A. Wilson Building

1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Suite 410

Washington, DC 20004

Tel: (202) 724-7002


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