Emergency Measures for the April 19, 2022 Legislative Meeting (FY22 First Supplemental)



1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20004




TO:                  Nyasha Smith, Secretary to the Council


FROM:       Phil Mendelson, Chairman


DATE:             April 13, 2022


RE:           Emergency Measures for the April 19, 2022 Legislative Meeting


The following measures be placed on the agenda for the April 19, 2022 Legislative Meeting:


§  PR 24-635, Fiscal Year 2022 Revised Local Budget Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2022

§  Bill 24-717, Fiscal Year 2022 Revised Local Budget Emergency Act of 2022

§  Bill 24-718, Fiscal Year 2022 Revised Local Budget Temporary Act of 2022


            These measures were introduced at the request of the Mayor on March 17, 2022 to support the Fiscal Year 2023 budget package of legislation.  The primary purpose is to repay contingency cash for COVID-related expenditures and provide budget authority for the additional federal funds for the emergency rental assistance program.


               I intend to move an Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute (ANS) for each of these items which will be circulated on Monday, April 18, 2022.


            The other supplemental introduced by the Mayor, Bill 24-719, the Fiscal Year 2022 Second Revised Local Budget Emergency Act of 2022, will move on May 24, 2022 in conjunction with the final reading of the Fiscal Year 2023 Local Budget Act.  That legislation will be used to move funds withing FY 2022 and to balance the FY 2023 budget.