Amendment to Bill 24-113, Medical Cannabis Amendment Act of 2022



Attached is an amendment that the Chairman and Councilmember McDuffie will be moving tomorrow to Bill 24-113, the “Medical Cannabis Amendment Act of 2022.” This amendment does several things, including:


  1. Allows existing dispensaries and cultivation centers to become vertically integrated.
  2. Sets aside 50% of new cultivation center licenses for social equity applicants.
  3. Pushes back the date of the open application period for unlicensed establishments to 180 days after the bill’s effective date. The ABC Board requested this.
  4. Allows unlicensed establishments to apply for cultivation center licenses.
  5. Establishes an appeal process for unlicensed establishments that are denied a license.
  6. Syncs the start of enforcement against unlicensed establishments that applied for and were denied a license with the earliest date (315 days from the effective date) at which denials for licenses would occur.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.