Good evening,
In advance of tomorrow’s Education Cluster performance oversight hearing, I have attached an updated witness list.
We currently have 228 witnesses testifying. Witnesses are organized based on the organization they are testifying for/with, and teachers and students were moved closer to the end of the list in order to not disrupt the school day and afterschool activities. Please note your place on the witness list and please track the hearing via your zoom log-in to anticipate when you will be called to testify.
If you have not yet submitted your testimony, please do so as soon as possible. This will give Councilmembers an opportunity to review your testimony in advance of the hearing.
Please reach out if you have questions.
From: Jordan, LeKisha (Council)
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2023 11:32 AM
To: Committee of the Whole (Council) <>
Cc: Lancaster, Raleigh (Council) <>; Cash, Evan W. (Council) <>
Subject: RE: IMPORTANT: Complete Registration for Wed., March 1, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. COW Hearing on FY23 Performance Oversight, Education Cluster (Public Witnesses)
CORRECTION: Please note that this hearing will begin tomorrow at 9:30AM (not 9:00) tomorrow, March 1. We look forward to receiving your testimony in advance.
Thank you,
LeKisha Jordan
From: Jordan, LeKisha (Council)
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2023 9:07 PM
To: Committee of the Whole (Council) <>
Cc: Lancaster, Raleigh (Council) <>; Cash, Evan W. (Council) <>
Subject: IMPORTANT: Complete Registration for Wed., March 1, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. COW Hearing on FY23 Performance Oversight, Education Cluster (Public Witnesses)
Good evening:
You are receiving this email in response to your request to testify at the Committee of the Whole’s upcoming Wednesday, March 1, 2023 at 9:30 a.m. hearing on:
- FY23 Performance Oversight, Education Cluster (Public Witnesses Only)
IMPORTANT: You must complete the following form to receive your personalized Zoom link that will be used to connect to the hearing:
If you do not receive a link after completing the form, check your spam folder (the email will be Committee of the Whole ( If you still cannot find your link, please email Do not share your personalized link.
Email your written testimony to as soon as possible and prior to the hearing.
A copy of the witness list, the hearing notice, and submitted testimony can be accessed prior to the hearing at Any updates to the witness list prior to the hearing will be available at that link.
Shortly before the hearing starts, you should use your link to log into Zoom. It may take several minutes for the Zoom hearing to begin while staff prepares all logistics. When the Chairman gavels the hearing to order, you will be admitted in viewer-only mode. When your name is called, you will be admitted to the interactive portion of the hearing (camera and audio control will be enabled) and you will be asked to provide your testimony and answer any questions from Councilmembers.
Please watch the hearing in Gallery View so you can watch the timer while you are testifying. Make sure to mute yourself unless you are speaking, and please enable your camera.
Please download the Zoom app prior to the hearing and familiarize yourself with its controls. ( If you already have Zoom, please ensure you are using the latest version.
Thank you,
LeKisha M. Jordan
Senior Policy Advisor, Committee of the Whole
Office of Chairman Phil Mendelson
Council of the District of Columbia
1350 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Suite 410
Washington, DC 20004
Ph: (202) 724-8137
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