Emergency Measure for the 7/10 Legislative Meeting (OCP-OP3 MOU)



1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20004




TO:                  Nyasha Smith, Secretary to the Council


FROM:            Phil Mendelson, Chairman


DATE:             July 5, 2018


RE:           Request to Place Emergency Measures on the Agenda for the July 10, 2018 Legislative Meeting



               The following measures are placed on the agenda for the July 10, 2018 Legislative Meeting:



               The purpose of this emergency legislation is to allow the Office of Public-Private Partnerships (OP3) to delegate its authority to an employee of the Office of Contracting and Procurement (OCP), and to allow such employees to carry out functions on behalf of the Office of Public-Private Partnerships in accordance with the Office of Public-Private Partnerships Act.  OP3 has already leveraged the significant experience and expertise of OCP in developing procurement rules and guidelines, as well as providing significant administrative assistance on its projects.  This legislation would clarify that OP3 may delegate its contracting authority to OCP employees, with the approval of OCP, so that OCP may continue to provide support for OP3.  Any OCP employee delegated authority of OP3 would follow OP3 rules rather than OCP rules.


               The Committee expects that permanent legislation containing the clarification for the delegation of contracting authority, as well as other amendments to the Council review process for OP3 projects, will be introduced before the summer recess and could be acted on by the Council in the fall.  However, this emergency is necessary to allow OCP to continue its relationship with OP3 as OP3 prepares several projects including renovations to the Daly Building and a new streetlight contract.

               The draft measures are attached.  Please call me or Evan Cash on my staff if you have any questions at (202) 724-7002.


cc:          Members, Council of the District of Columbia

               Office of the Secretary

               Office of the General Counsel

               Office of the Budget Director



Evan Cash

Committee and Legislative Director

Committee of the Whole

Chairman Phil Mendelson


John A. Wilson Building

1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Suite 410

Washington, DC 20004

Tel: (202) 724-7002




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