DRAFT Agenda for the 12/4/18 Legislative Meeting

​​Apologies on circulating the PDF version so late.  Please see attached.

From: Smith, Nyasha (Council)
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2018 10:49 AM
To: Members and Staff (COUNCIL)
Cc: Gracyalny, Patricia (OCFO); Droller, Aaron (OCFO); Intrieri, Alana (EOM); Pittman, James (OAG)
Subject: DRAFT Agenda for the 12/4/18 Legislative Meeting


Good morning:


Please find attached a DRAFT agenda for Tuesday’s Legislative Meeting. 


Red folders will be circulated later this afternoon, and as previously noted, we will only provide one folder per office.  All associated documents for measures on the agenda that have been filed are available in LIMS via the hyperlinks provided therein.  Additionally, the iLegislate app contains the agenda and electronic