Request to Place Emergency Measures on the Agenda for the December 18, 2018 Legislative Meeting (Passageway Easement)



1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20004




TO:                  Nyasha Smith, Secretary to the Council


FROM:            Phil Mendelson, Chairman


DATE:             December 13, 2018


RE:           Request to Place Emergency Measures on the Agenda for the December 18, 2018 Legislative Meeting



               The following measures are placed on the agenda for the December 18, 2018 Additional Legislative Meeting:


§  Relocation of a Passageway Easement in Square 696 Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018

§  Relocation of a Passageway Easement in Square 696 Emergency Act of 2018


These measures would approve the relocation of a non-exclusive perpetual surface easement which abuts Lots 812 and 813 within Square 696, bounded by Eye, First, K, and Half Streets, S.E., in Ward 6. The applicant is Tishman Speyer Development (the “Applicant”).  The purpose of the easement relocation is to facilitate a residential apartment project with ground floor retail.


               The Council adopted a permanent version of this legislation (Bill 22-963) on second reading on December 4, 2018.  The proposed easement relocation is located in Square 696.  Originally, there was an alley in the square that was closed under D.C. Law 17-120.  The closing of that alleyway was conditioned on recording a new 20-foot wide public passageway easement across the middle of the site to provide pedestrian access between I and K Streets, SE.  However, the Applicant has since made revisions to the original development concept, maintaining the easement but moving it approximately 90-100 feet to the west of the easement recorded in 2010.  Because the recording of the previous plat showing the easement finalized the alley closing process, it is necessary for the Council to extinguish the previous easement and allow the Surveyor to modify the location of the passageway easement by depicting it on a new plat. Emergency legislation is necessary to allow the new plat to be recorded sooner than congressional review would otherwise allow.

