Request to Agendize Emergency and Temporary Measures for 9/17/19 Additional Legislation Meeting

Apologies for leaving off the attachments.  Please see attached.


From: Setlow, Christina (Council)
Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2019 10:23 AM
To: Members and Staff (COUNCIL) <Members-and-Staff@DCCOUNCIL.US&gt;
Cc: Rivera, Gianelle (EOM) <;; Miller, Taneka (EOM) <;; Oates, Tiffany (OSSE) <;
Subject: Request to Agendize Emergency and Temporary Measures for 9/17/19 Additional Legislation Meeting




1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20004




TO:              Nyasha Smith, Secretary to the Council


FROM:        Phil Mendelson, Chairman

                                David Grosso, Chairperson, Committee on Education


DATE:          September 12, 2019


RE:          Request to Place Emergency and Temporary Measures on the Agenda for the  September 17, 2019 Additional Legislative Meeting



                The following measures are placed on the agenda for the September 17, 2019 Additional Legislative Meeting:


§  Education Research Practice Partnership Technical Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2019

§  Education Research Practice Partnership Technical Emergency Amendment Act of 2019

§  Education Research Practice Partnership Technical Temporary Amendment Act of 2019


                The purpose of these measures is make technical and clarifying amendments to D.C. Law 22-268, the “District of Columbia Education Research Practice Partnership Establishment and Audit Act of 2018.”  D.C. Law 22-268 establishes an education Research Practice Partnership (RPP) in the District, and the Executive branch is currently taking steps to implement the law.  As such, it is imperative that these technical and clarifying amendments be made as soon as possible. 


                These measures: 1) clarify that the Council’s 45-day review of the proposed Notice of Invitation excludes Saturdays, Sundays, legal holidays, and Council recess; 2) require Advisory Committee members to have the ability to contribute substantive expertise related to “school improvement” rather than “educational improvement”; 3) strike the word “final” from Section 106(c)(2) of D.C. Law 22-268, as “final” limits feedback from the Advisory Committee; and 4) restore the language of Section 106(d)(1)(A) to that which was approved by the Council.  Each of these four changes is consistent with what the Council approved at second reading on the bill last December, reversing changes to the text during enrollment.