Emergency Measures for the April 6, 2021 Legislative Meeting (DCRB)



1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20004




TO:                  Nyasha Smith, Secretary to the Council


FROM:       Phil Mendelson, Chairman


DATE:             April 1, 2021


RE:           Emergency Measures for the April 6, 2021 Legislative Meeting


This memo is to request that the following measures be placed on the agenda for the April 6, 2021 Legislative Meeting:


§  District of Columbia Retirement Board Leadership Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2021

§  District of Columbia Retirement Board Leadership Emergency Amendment Act of 2021

§  District of Columbia Retirement Board Leadership Temporary Amendment Act of 2021


            The purpose of these measures is to assist the District of Columbia Retirement Board (DCRB) fill its Executive Director position.  It would allow for the Board to approve a salary of up to approximately $300,000 and would allow the Board to waive the District residency requirement – but only by a 2/3 vote and only for an applicant who currently resides in the National Capital Region (immediately surrounding counties and municipalities) at the time of his or her application.


            DCRB has an urgent need to hire an Executive Director.  Both the Chief Financial Officer and Inspector General have expressed concern that there are too many senior level vacancies at the DCRB negatively affecting operations including the Executive Director, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Procurement Officer, and Director of Internal Audits.


            The residency requirement imposed on all subordinate and independent agency heads was made more stringent by a 2019 law that removes flexibility for waivers of District residency.  This is now affecting the Board’s ability to hire.  DCRB’s professional search firm has indicated that the residency requirement is an impediment.  The position has been advertised since last July, but the firm indicates that there are prospective applicants who do not actually apply because they would have to relocate.  In addition, a higher salary for the Executive Director is also necessary to attract top talent.


            DCRB is also different than most government agencies in that it does not serve primarily District residents.  DCRB serves retirees of the Metropolitan Police Department, Fire and Emergency Medical Services, and teachers.  Moreover, most of the dollars in the funds come from either employee contributions or investment earnings – not District tax dollars. Relief in filling the Executive Director vacancy could be limited to residents already in the National Capital Region comprising the counties surrounding the District.  The emergency bill takes this approach.  Residency becomes a significant issue for potential applicants who already live in the National Capital Region for reasons such as relocating children’s schools or affecting a spouse’s commute.

