ANS for 6/15 Legislative Meeting




1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20004




TO:                       Nyasha Smith, Secretary to the Council


FROM:               Phil Mendelson, Chairman


DATE:                June 14, 2021


RE:                       Notice of intent to move an amendment in the nature of a substitute at the June 15, 2021 Additional Legislative Meeting


This memorandum serves as notice that I intend to move an amendment in the nature of a substitute (ANS) for each of the following measures at the Additional Legislative Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 15, 2021:


§  PR 24-269, “Fiscal Year 2021 Revised Local Budget Advance School Payment Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2021”

§  Bill 24-277, “Fiscal Year 2021 Revised Local Budget Advance School Payment Emergency Amendment Act of 2021”

§  Bill 24-278, “Fiscal Year 2021 Revised Local Budget Advance School Payment Temporary Amendment Act of 2021”


The ANS for the bills includes several clarifying and drafting changes to the advance school payment provision. Importantly, the ANS includes appropriation authority for a portion of federal stimulus funding that was included in Bill 24-283, the Fiscal Year 2021 Revised Federal Stimulus Budget Emergency Act of 2021, as well as federal payments included as local revenue replacement in bill 24-279, the Fiscal Year 2021 Revised Local Budget Emergency Act of 2021.  Because the Council will not be considering B24-279 and B24-283 until second reading of the Fiscal Year 2022 Local Budget Act of 2021, scheduled for August 3, 2021, the Mayor has requested that the Council include $295 million in appropriation authority in this emergency so that the District has the ability to spend these dollars over the summer. Attached to this memo is a list of the initiatives and amounts including in the Mayor’s request and reflected in the ANS.


The ANS for PR 24-269 revises that emergency declaration resolution in light of the changes made to the underlying emergency bill.