Read the Final Report here
In order to assist the Council in determining how to provide equitable compensation to early childhood educators in the District, the Council created the Early Childhood Educator Equitable Compensation Task Force (see Title I, Subtitle K in the FY22 Budget Support Act). This Task Force is charged with providing a report to the Council and the Mayor by January 15, 2022 that includes the following:
- An assessment of the potential impact of implementing an employee compensations sale on early childhood providers that either: 1) do not provide childcare services to children eligible for the District’s subsidy program; 2) serve a minimum number of children who participate in the subsidy program;
- A proposed employee compensation scale for early childhood development providers that accounts for employee role, credentials, and experience; and
- Provides recommendations for implementing the employee compensation scale, which at a minimum considers:
- Equitable implementation that accounts for different staffing models, types. And sizes of early childhood development facilities;
- Long term implications of the District providing funds to early childhood providers to implement the pay scale; and
- Oversight, reporting, and accountability mechanisms for the use of funds allocated to early childhood development providers from the Early Childhood Educator Pay Equity Fund
You can view the Task Force meetings here or at Spanish translation will be provided through Zoom, so individuals wishing for interpretation services should use Zoom to watch the meeting. T
You may find Task Force meeting materials here and research and background materials being used by the Task Force here.
The Task Force would love to hear from you with your input about, or feedback on, its work and what its considering. You can reach the Task Force at Please feel free to send emails in your native language and that correspondence will be translated.