Author Archives: Committee

Additional Meeting (Markup)

Pursuant to Committee of the Whole Rule 302, Chairman Mendelson is calling an Additional Meeting of the Committee of the Whole on Tuesday, November 3, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chamber of the John A. Wilson Building.  The draft agenda is attached.

Should you have any questions, please contact Mr. Evan W. Cash, Committee of the Whole Director, at (202) 724-7002.


Minutes of the October 20, 2015 Meeting
Bill 21-179, “Closing of a Public Alley in Square 70, S.O. 15-23283, Act of 2015”
Bill 21-336, “Closing of Franklin Street, N.W., Evarts Street, N.W., and Douglas Street, N.W. in Square 3128, S.O. 13-09432, Act of 2015”
Bill 21-354, “Interim Eligibility and Minimum Shelter Standards Amendment Act of 2015”
PR 21-307, “McMillan Townhomes Parcel Commercial Parcel, and Multifamily Parcels Disposition Extension Approval Resolution of 2015”

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Additional Meeting (Markup)

Pursuant to Committee of the Whole Rule 302, Chairman Mendelson is calling an Additional Meeting of the Committee of the Whole on Tuesday, June 2, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chamber of the John A. Wilson Building.  The draft agenda will be added to this posting 24 hours prior to the markup.

Should you have any questions, please contact Mr. Evan W. Cash, Committee of the Whole Director, at (202) 724-7002.