Author Archives: Committee

Phil in the News

Some news stories from the past week involving Chairman Mendelson:


Congress Takes Up Bill to Make DC the 51st State – Chairman Mendelson testified on behalf of the DC Council in support of DC Statehood.  The Chairman’s testimony can be found here. [The Washington Post]

Proposed Legislation Would Allow Some to Carry Guns in DC – The bill would require residents to prove they have a “legitimate need” to carry a gun a public….Council Chairman Phil Mendelson says the city still has some work to do in defining what kind of personal threats would qualify for a permit.  [Washington City Paper]

DC Considers Bill to Encourage Urban Farming on Vacant Lots – The bill has gained substantial support in the council with Chairman Phil Mendelson (D), Kenyan R. McDuffie (D-Ward 5) and mayoral candidate Muriel Bowser (D-Ward 4) joining as co-sponsors. [The Washington Post]



Phil in the News

Here is our new weekly update recapping the past week’s stories involving Chairman Mendelson.

Are D.C. railways secure? The Council asked and EMS answered.– Council Chairman Phil Mendelson (D), who hosted the hearing and led the questioning on rail security, asked if the city’s emergency agencies know how often CSX conducts security drills. [The Washington Post]

DC Statehood Hearing Will Feature Mix of Officials And Experts – A witness list released by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee includes two panels, one consisting of nonvoting Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton, Mayor Vincent C. Gray and D.C. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson, Democrats all. [The Washington Post]

DC Anti-Truancy Program is Getting More Kids to School – Phil Mendelson (D), chairman of the D.C. Council, said that the city is shifting its approach to addressing truancy. “In the past, we’ve treated it as something wrong, to be punished,” he said, noting that it instead should be something that “tells us that something is going on.” [The Washington Post]

An Interview with Phil Mendelson, Chairman, DC City Council – “I see my role as the chair of the legislative branch, the co-equal branch of government.”  [The Georgetown Dish]





Hearing on B20-826, B20-831 & B20-893 – Street Designations (Oct 16)


Bill 20-722, Percy Battle Way Designation Act of 2014
Bill 20-831, D.C. No Taxation Without Representation Way Designation Act of 2014
Bill 20-893, D.C. Statehood Now Boulevard Designation Act of 2014

Council Chairman Phil Mendelson announces a public hearing of the Committee of the Whole on Bill 20-722, the “Percy Battle Way Designation Act of 2014,” Bill 20-831, the “D.C. No Taxation Without Representation Way Designation Act of 2014,” and Bill 20-893, the “D.C. Statehood Now Boulevard Designation Act of 2014.” The public hearing will be held Thursday, October 16, 2014, at 9:30 a.m. in Hearing Room 412 of the John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.

The stated purpose of Bill 20-722 is to symbolically designate the 1100 block of Chicago Street, S.E., between Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, S.E. and Railroad Avenue, S.E., in Ward 8, as Percy Battle Way.  The stated purpose of Bill 20-831 is to symbolically designate First Street, N.E and First Street, S.E. between Constitution Avenue and Independence Avenue, in Ward 6 as D.C. No Taxation Without Representation Way. The stated purpose of Bill 20-893 is to symbolically designate the 1500 and 1600 blocks of Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., in Ward 2, as D.C. Statehood Now Boulevard.

Those who wish to testify are asked to telephone the Committee of the Whole, at (202) 724-8196, or e-mail Evan Cash, Committee Director, at and provide their name, address, telephone number, and organizational affiliation, if any, by the close of business Tuesday, October 14, 2014.  Persons wishing to testify are encouraged, but not required, to submit 15 copies of written testimony.  If submitted by the close of business on October 14, 2014, the testimony will be distributed to Councilmembers before the hearing.  Witnesses should limit their testimony to five minutes; less time will be allowed if there are a large number of witnesses.  A copy of the Bills can be obtained through the Legislative Services Division of the Secretary of the Council’s office or on

If you are unable to testify at the hearing, written statements are encouraged and will be made a part of the official record.  Copies of written statements should be submitted to the Committee of the Whole, Council of the District of Columbia, Suite 410 of the John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20004.  The record will close at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 30, 2014.

Hearing on PR20-971 & PR20-972 – CWC Nominees (Sept 19)


PR 20-971, District of Columbia Commemorative Works Committee Christopher Magnuson Confirmation Resolution of 2014
PR 20-972, District of Columbia Commemorative Works Committee Barbara Deutsch Confirmation Resolution of 2014

Council Chairman Phil Mendelson announces the scheduling of a public hearing of the Committee of Whole on PR 20-971, the District of Columbia Commemorative Works Committee Christopher Magnuson Confirmation Resolution of 2014 and PR 20-972, District of Columbia Commemorative Works Committee Barbara Deutsch Confirmation Resolution of 2014.  The hearing will be held Friday, September 19, 2014 at 12:30 p.m., or immediately following the preceding hearing, in Hearing Room 412 of the John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.

The stated purposes of PR 20-971 and PR 20-972 are to confirm the appointments of Christopher Magnuson and Barbara Deutsch, respectively, as citizen members of the District of Columbia Commemorative Works Committee (CWC).  The CWC advises and recommends to the Council a disposition of each application to place a commemorative work on public space in the District of Columbia and is made up of three citizens and nine ex-officio members appointed by the Mayor.  The purpose of this hearing is to receive testimony from government and public witnesses as to the fitness of these nominees for the CWC.

Those who wish to testify are asked to telephone the Committee of the Whole, at (202) 724-8196, or e-mail Evan Cash, Committee Director, at and provide their name, address, telephone number, and organizational affiliation, if any, by the close of business Wednesday, September 17, 2014.  Persons wishing to testify are encouraged, but not required, to submit 15 copies of written testimony.  If submitted by the close of business on September 17, 2014, the testimony will be distributed to Councilmembers before the hearing.  Witnesses should limit their testimony to five minutes; less time will be allowed if there are a large number of witnesses.  Copies of PR 20-971 and PR 20-972 can be obtained through the Legislative Services Division of the Secretary of the Council’s office or on

If you are unable to testify at the hearing, written statements are encouraged and will be made a part of the official record.  Copies of written statements should be submitted to the Committee of the Whole, Council of the District of Columbia, Suite 410 of the John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20004.  The record will close at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, October 3, 2014.

Hearing on PR20-918 & PR20-919 – HPRB Nominees (Sept 19)


PR 20-918, Historic Preservation Review Board Joseph Taylor Confirmation Resolution of 2014
PR 20-919, Historic Preservation Review Board Rauzia Ruhana Ally Confirmation Resolution of 2014

Council Chairman Phil Mendelson announces the scheduling of a public hearing of the Committee of Whole on PR 20-918, the “Historic Preservation Review Board Joseph Taylor Confirmation Resolution of 2014” and PR 20-919, “Historic Preservation Review Board Rauzia Ruhana Ally Confirmation Resolution of 2014.”  The hearing will be held Friday, September 19, 2014 at 12:00 p.m. in Hearing Room 412 of the John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.

The stated purposes of PR 20-918 and PR 20-919 are to confirm the reappointments of Joseph Taylor and Rauzia Ruhana Ally, respectively, as public members of the Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB).  The HPRB guides the government and the public on preservation matters in the District of Columbia, including review of development projects in light of the historic preservation laws.  The purpose of this hearing is to receive testimony from government and public witnesses as to the fitness of these nominees for the HPRB.

Those who wish to testify are asked to telephone the Committee of the Whole, at (202) 724-8196, or e-mail Jessica Jacobs, Legislative Counsel, at and provide their name, address, telephone number, and organizational affiliation, if any, by the close of business Wednesday, September 17, 2014.  Persons wishing to testify are encouraged, but not required, to submit 15 copies of written testimony.  If submitted by the close of business on September 17, 2014, the testimony will be distributed to Councilmembers before the hearing.  Witnesses should limit their testimony to five minutes; less time will be allowed if there are a large number of witnesses.  Copies of PR 20-918 and PR 20-919 can be obtained through the Legislative Services Division of the Secretary of the Council’s office or on

If you are unable to testify at the hearing, written statements are encouraged and will be made a part of the official record.  Copies of written statements should be submitted to the Committee of the Whole, Council of the District of Columbia, Suite 410 of the John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20004.  The record will close at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, October 3, 2014.