Author Archives: Committee

Phil in the News

Some news stories from the past week involving Chairman Mendelson:

Surge in Deadly Violence is Dictating the Agenda for DC’s Mayor – “People want to know why there has not been a clear answer given, and that’s not to say that there is an easy answer,” DC Council Chairman Phil Mendelson (D) said. “But first we were told by the mayor that it might be synthetic drugs or domestic violence, then it was illegal guns. Homicides are up. Not just up, but up by 30 percent. Layer over that changing explanations and it gives people cause for real concern.”  [The Washington Post]

Phil Mendelson Gives in, Joins Twitter – “Yes, I have succumbed,” Mendelson writes in an email to LL.  [Washington City Paper]

Phil in the News

Some news stories from this past week involving Chairman Mendelson:

DC Officials Defend Management of School Modernization Projects – “They are providing quality work and oversight on these projects,” Bonvechio said, pointing to the 75 renovations that have been completed as evidence of their effectiveness.  DC Council Chairman Phil Mendelson (D) challenged him on that: “Based on how pretty a building looks, they are doing good work?” he asked. “You can’t say ‘on budget and on time.’ ”  The audit report, released last week, says that the Department of General Services and D.C. Public Schools have not provided basic financial management, allowing the cost of programs to skyrocket.  [The Washington Post]

Are Plans for Whole Foods in Shaw Running Into a Roadblock? – The sale price could be why Council Chairman Phil Mendelson hasn’t brought the issue up for a vote. During a hearing in early June, Mendelson and Councilwoman Mary Chehexpressed concerns with the proposed sale price of $1.4 million, citing a D.C. government appraisal of the property at $27 million.  [Washington Business Journal]

Questions Remain About DC School Modernization Funds – D.C. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson said the system was “rigged against accountability,” as the council has a small window each year to review and approve school modernization projects.  [Education Watchdog]

Phil in the News

Chairman Mendelson hopes you and your family had a wonderful 4th of July weekend!  Here are some news stories from the past week involving the Chairman:

Meet the Democrat in DC Who is Cutting Taxes for the Rich – And For Everyone Else – In truth, the District’s most powerful politician you’ve probably never heard of is in the middle of a once-in-a-generation campaign to cut taxes for almost every D.C. resident. A council vote Tuesday could be a litmus test, not only for Mendelson’s power as chairman, but also for the mayor’s — and for the identity of a rapidly gentrifying city.  [The Washington Post]

DC Council to Consider Income Tax Cuts Opposed by Mayor – The accelerated tax cuts would also benefit poor and middle-income households. Mendelson has said it’s important to move forward with the commission’s recommendations, which the council first approved last year. Bowser voted for the cuts before becoming mayor.  [ABC7]

DC Council Questions Progress on Truancy Reforms – “I feel like you’re identifying problems but criticizing us for not having solved those problems,” Council Chairman Phil Mendelson said to Okonkwo. “Which is what we’re trying to do, and at some schools the problem is overwhelming… The goal is not court prosecutions, but you have to have court at the end of the process as a stick while we try to improve the carrot.”  [Washington City Paper]

DC United Stadium Takes a Key Step Forward – Council Chairman Phil Mendelson said at the time that legislators would move quickly to approve all of those measures, and they did. The documents set the parameters for the stadium project going forward, including timelines, cost caps and each party’s responsibilities.  [Washington Business Journal]

DC Traffic Camera Contracts Under Review After CEO Pleads Guilty to Bribing Officials – “This is the first I’m hearing of this,” said Phil Mendelson, the Chairman of DC City Council – a position he held in 2012 when the city entered into this three-year, $4.5 million contract with Redflex.  Mendelson doesn’t recall any red flags when the contract was issued. But says it’s time to revisit it, especially since Finley was CEO at the time.  “I think the government should look at the contract,” added Mendelson.  [ABC 7]

DC Takes Final Step Toward Sweeping Tax Reforms, Accelerates Cuts – The District’s chief financial officer on Tuesday revised the revenue estimate for fiscal 2015 upward by $117 million. The estimate came after the council had voted on the compromise date for tax cuts, but Mendelson said it “completely reinforces the point that I was making that we can afford this, and the District government’s financial situation is very healthy.”  [The Washington Post]



Phil in the News

Some news stories from the past week involving Chairman Mendelson:

Bowser Launches Contracting Oversight Board – “I think it’s an excellent idea,” Chairman Phil Mendelson said. “We can figure out what changes need to occur so we don’t need retroactive approvals.”  [Washington City Paper]

A Reimagining in Washington Divides the Neighbors – “There were some things that were not handled right,” Mr. Mendelson said, “but a lot of the opposition has to do with a no-build mentality — more about preventing development than modifying it.  I’d like to see more of a park, but the horse left that barn a long time ago,” he added. “It’s too late to be unwinding that deal.”  [The New York Times]