Category Archives: Legislative Notices

Emergency Legislation for the April 10, 2018 Legislative Meeting (Lawrence E. Boone School)

From: Hawthorne, Sydney (Council)
Sent: Thursday, April 5, 2018 9:52 AM
To: Members and Staff (COUNCIL) <Members-and-Staff@DCCOUNCIL.US&gt;
Cc: Holzgrafe, Matthew (DCPS) <;; Gregory, Anna (DCPS) <;; Quintyne, Christopher (EOM) <;
Subject: Emergency Legislation for the April 10, 2018 Legislative Meeting (Lawrence E. Boone School)


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COW Budget Hearing (OBP and DCRA) – Thu. March 29th @ 9:30 a.m.

Council of the District of Columbia

Committee of the Whole


Attached please find the (1) hearing notice and (2) draft witness list for the Committee of the Whole’s upcoming hearing on:


Fiscal Year 2019 Agency Budget:

Office of Budget and Planning

Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs

This hearing is scheduled for =&0=&. in Room 120.  3.29.18-OBP-DCRA-Budget-Hearing.wl_.pdf

COW Budget Hearing (CBA and UDC) – Wed. March 27th @ 10:00 a.m.

Council of the District of Columbia

Committee of the Whole


Attached please find the (1) hearing notice and (2) draft witness list for the Committee of the Whole’s upcoming hearing on:


Fiscal Year 2019 Agency Budget:

Contract Appeals Board

University of the District of Columbia

This hearing is scheduled for =&0=&. in Room 120.  3-26-18_-Fiscal-Year-2019-Budget-Hearing-Schedule-002.pdf


Apologies but the hearing is in the Council Chamber, not Room 120 as indicated in the earlier circulation.

From: Cash, Evan W. (Council)
Subject: COW Budget Hearing (Council ODCA, NCSC, OCP, OPEB, DCRB)

Council of the District of Columbia

Committee of the Whole


Attached please find the (1) hearing notice and (2) draft witness list for the Committee of the Whole’s upcoming hearing on:


Fiscal Year 2019 Agency Budget:

Council of the District of Columbia

Office of the District of Columbia Auditor

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COW Budget Hearing (Council ODCA, NCSC, OCP, OPEB, DCRB)

Council of the District of Columbia

Committee of the Whole


Attached please find the (1) hearing notice and (2) draft witness list for the Committee of the Whole’s upcoming hearing on:


Fiscal Year 2019 Agency Budget:

Council of the District of Columbia

Office of the District of Columbia Auditor

New Columbia Statehood Commission

Office of Contracting and Procurement

Retiree Health Contribution (OPEB)

District of Columbia Retirement Board

Please note that the previously-noticed Continue Reading