Category Archives: Legislative Notices

COW Hearing: Arts Commission Nominations (6/30 10am)

Council of the District of Columbia
Committee of the Whole

Attached please find the draft witness list for the Committee of the Whole’s upcoming public hearing on:

  • PR 25-262, “Commission on the Arts and Humanities Cecily Habimana Confirmation Resolution of 2023”
  • PR 25-263, “Commission on the Arts and Humanities Chase Maggiano Confirmation Resolution of 2023”
  • PR 25-264, “Commission on the Arts and Humanities Carla Sims Confirmation Resolution of 2023”
  • PR 25-265, “Commission on the Arts and Humanities Julianne Brienza Confirmation Resolution of 2023”
  • PR 25-266, “Commission on the Arts and Humanities Hector Torres Confirmation Resolution of 2023

The hearing is scheduled for Friday, June 30, 2023 at 10:00am via Zoom.

The hearing notice, final witness list, and all received testimony can be accessed through the Hearing Management System at

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COW Hearing (6/26 at 12pm): Bill 25-145

Council of the District of Columbia
Committee of the Whole

Attached please find the draft witness list for the Committee of the Whole’s upcoming public hearing on:

  • Bill 25-145, “Opening of Streets and Designation of Opened Streets in Square S-5868, S.O. 22-01486, Act of 2023”

The hearing is scheduled for Monday, June 26, 2023 at Noon via Zoom.

The hearing notice, final witness list, and all received testimony can be accessed through the Hearing Management System at

To register to view the hearing in real-time, please Continue Reading

COW Hearing: School Nurses and Bill 25-278, “School Student Vaccination Amendment Act of 2023” – Thursday, June 22, 2023 at 10:00 a.m.

Council of the District of Columbia
Committee of the Whole

Attached please find the draft witness list for the Committee of the Whole’s upcoming public hearing on:

  • “School Nurses” and Bill 25-278, “School Student Vaccination Amendment Act of 2023”

The hearing is scheduled for Thursday, June 22, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom.

The hearing notice, final witness list, and all received testimony can be accessed through the Hearing Management System at

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