Category Archives: Legislative Notices

Updated Witness List – Wed., March 1, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. COW Hearing on FY23 Performance Oversight, Education Cluster (Public Witnesses)

Good evening,

In advance of tomorrow’s Education Cluster performance oversight hearing, I have attached an updated witness list.

We currently have 228 witnesses testifying. Witnesses are organized based on the organization they are testifying for/with, and teachers and students were moved closer to the end of the list in order to not disrupt the school day and afterschool activities. Please note your place on the witness list and please track the hearing via your Continue Reading

COW Hearing: FY23 Performance Oversight, Education Cluster (Public Witnesses Only) Wednesday, March 1, 2023 at 9:30 a.m.

Council of the District of Columbia
Committee of the Whole

Attached please find the draft witness list for the Committee of the Whole’s upcoming public hearing on:

  • FY23 Performance Oversight, Education Cluster (Public Witnesses Only)

The hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, March 1, 2023 at 9:30 a.m. via Zoom.

The hearing notice, final witness list, and all received testimony can be accessed at

To register to view the hearing in real time, please visit Continue Reading

COW Hearing: Perf. Oversight OBP, OPEB, UDC, CAH (2/27 at 2:00pm)

Council of the District of Columbia
Committee of the Whole

Attached please find the draft witness list and hearing notice for the Committee of the Whole’s upcoming performance oversight hearing on:

  • Office of Budget and Planning
  • Other Post-Employment Benefits
  • University of the District of Columbia
  • Commission on the Arts and Humanities

The hearing is scheduled for Monday, February 27, 2023, at 2:00pm via Zoom on Track B.

The prehearing questions, final witness list, and all received testimony can be accessed at

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COW Hearing: Perf. Oversight MWAA, COG, ODCA, Statehood, DCRB (2/22 at 10:30am)

This hearing is being reconvened on Monday, February 27, 2023 at 1:00pm for the purpose of hearing testimony related to the DC Retirement Board.  Please use the following link to access the hearing:  The witness list and testimony can be found at (DCRB testimony will be in the 2.22 Small Agencies folder).

Please contact me if you have any questions.

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