Phil believes government should be an honest, efficient deliverer of services. Please feel free to contact our office anytime to ask a question or request help in navigating the District government. From a busted street light to a large error on your tax bill, no task is too big or too small for our office to handle. Contact Phil’s constituent services team for help by emailing

This giveaway is subject to availability for DC Residents only. One gift card permitted per household and is first come, first serve.
Event Timing: December 18th-20th, 2024
Contact us:
An email with pick up information will be sent to residents receiving a gift card.
Just a friendly reminder to have your child’s birth certificate handy, as it shows proof of parentage. Thank you!
Donations Available: Chairman Mendelson knows that the needs of the community continue throughout the year, yet resources are oftentimes stretched to capacity. Donations are relied upon to help meet those needs. He often donates funds to community organizations and events–such as school auctions and scholarship programs–to help defray costs associated with programs that are designed to help our fellow neighbors. Contact the Chairman’s main office for more information.

You can call the District’s City Service Center at 311 or make an online request for the following scheduled services:
Abandoned Auto Alley Cleaning Alley Repair Autumn Leaf Collection Bulk Collection Dead Animal Pick–Up Grass & Weed Mowing Illegal Dumping Litter Cans (Repair) Litter Cans (Installation) Litter Cans (Installation) Litter Cans (Service) Parking Enforcement Pothole Rat Abatement |
Recycling Bins Recycling Collection Sanitation Enforcement Sidewalk Repair Street Cleaning (Sweeper) Streetlight/Alley Light Street Repair Street Sign Supercan Supercan Repairs Traffic Signals Trash Collection Tree Related Yard Waste |