Committee of the Whole Rules
The Committee of the Whole is responsible for the annual budget, including amendments, additions, or supplements to the budget and any revised, supplemental, or deficiency budget; coordinating the Council’s relationships with the Congress and the Federal executive branch; monitoring the progress of Council legislation through Congress; monitoring the status of original legislative proposals in Congress that may affect the District, the Council, or its legislation; amendments to the District Charter; Council appointments to Boards and Commissions; public space naming; street and alley acquisition and closing; reapportionment and realignment of the political subdivisions of the District; Council administration and personnel; the scheduling of all matters for consideration by the Council in the legislative meeting; legislative matters related to the District as a political entity, including self-determination and statehood; matters affecting the Freedom of Information Act; coordinating the Council’s relationships with appropriate regional, state, and national associations and organizations; the Council’s relationship with regional authorities and other regional bodies and organizations not specifically assigned to other committees; all matters related to public education, including matters exclusively concerning the University of the District of Columbia or the Community College of the District of Columbia; District employees’ retirement; the development of the Comprehensive Plan and other matters pertaining to land use; revision and codification of Title 49 of the D.C. Official Code; international business and affairs; consumer and regulatory affairs; and other matters assigned to it by these Rules or by the Chairman.
Agencies Under the Committee’s Purview
- Council of the District of Columbia
- District of Columbia Auditor
- Board of Zoning Adjustment
- Commemorative Works Committee
- District of Columbia Public Charter School Board
- District of Columbia Public Schools
- Department of Buildings
- District of Columbia Retirement Board
- District Retiree Healthcare (Other Post-Employment Benefits)
- Historic Preservation Review Board
- Law Revision Commission
- Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority
- Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
- National Capital Planning Commission
- New Columbia Statehood Commission
- Office of Budget and Planning
- Office of Planning
- Office of the State Superintendent of Education
- Office of the Statehood Delegation
- Office of Zoning
- Ombudsman for Public Education
- State Board of Education
- Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation
- University of the District of Columbia
- Zoning Commission of the District of Columbia
Committee Members
Phil Mendelson, Council Chairman
Kenyan McDuffie, Chair Pro Tempore (At-Large)
Anita Bonds (At-Large)
Robert White, Jr. (At-Large)
Christina Henderson (At-Large)
Brianne Nadeau (Ward 1)
Brooke Pinto (Ward 2)
Matthew Frumin (Ward 3)
Janeese Lewis George (Ward 4)
Zachary Parker (Ward 5)
Charles Allen (Ward 6)
Wendell Felder (Ward 7)
Trayon White (Ward 8)

Legislative Staff
Evan Cash
Committee and Legislative Director
(Land Use, Commemoration)
Blaine Stum
Deputy Committee Director
(DOB, Housing, Criminal Justice)
Christian Washington
Special Counsel
(Appointments, Non-Committee Legislation)
Hannah Kozik
Legislative Policy Advisor
Bijan Verlin
Legislative Policy Advisor
Aliyah McNeely
Legislative Policy Advisor
John Kilvington
Director of Federal Affairs