FW: Notice of Intent to Move School Safety Coordination (Parker Amendment # 2) to the FY 2024 BSA



From: Shaw, Conor (Council) <cshaw@dccouncil.gov&gt;
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2023 10:05 AM
To: Members and Staff (COUNCIL) <Members-and-Staff@dccouncil.gov&gt;
Cc: Wells, Tommy (EOM) <tommy.wells@dc.gov&gt;; Gunston, Emily (OAG) <emily.gunston@dc.gov&gt;
Subject: Notice of Intent to Move School Safety Coordination (Parker Amendment # 2) to the FY 2024 BSA


Good morning,


On behalf of Councilmember Parker, I am circulating the following memorandum:


Council of the District of Columbia



TO:                         Chairman Phil Mendelson

FROM:                  Councilmember Zachary Parker 

RE:                          Notice of Intent to Move Amendment at the May 16, 2023 COW Meeting

DATE:                    May 16, 2023


I intend to move the following amendment to the FY 2024 Budget Support Act of 2023 at the May 16, 2023 Meeting of the Committee of the Whole:


  • CM Parker Amendment # 2


This amendment would add a new subtitle to the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Support Act entitled the “School Safety Coordination Amendment Act of 2023” that establishes a school safety enhancement committee to assist the Deputy Mayor for Education in issuing a report on the roles, functions, and responsibilities that unarmed non-law enforcement personnel could assume in local education agency schools. The committee would include relevant stakeholders, including representatives of key education agencies, parents, students, and the council. Establishing this committee would lay the groundwork for the establishment of new school safety personnel as contemplated in the School Safety Enhancement Act of 2023 that I introduced earlier this year. The committee would be responsible for issuing a report to the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, and Chair of the D.C. Council Committee of the Whole by March 1, 2024—a deadline that would allow the committee’s work to help inform the council’s deliberations in the FY 2025 budget.  



A copy of the proposed amendment is attached. For any questions or concerns, please contact Conor M. Shaw, Deputy Chief of Staff, at (202) 724-8028​ or cshaw@dccouncil.gov.



cc:          Members, Council of the District of Columbia

Office of the Secretary

Office of the General Counsel

Office of the Budget Director

Mayor’s Office of Policy and Legislative Affairs



Conor Shaw (he/him/his)

Deputy Chief of Staff

Councilmember Zachary Parker, Ward 5

How are we doing?


Council of the District of Columbia

1350 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 102

Washington, DC, 20004

Phone: 771-333-9817


Newsletter: ward5.us/newsletter

Twitter: @cmzparker5

Instagram: @cmzparker5