Notice of ANS for May 30 Legislative Meeting (FY23 Revised)



1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20004




TO:                       Nyasha Smith, Secretary to the Council


FROM:               Phil Mendelson, Chairman


DATE:                May 26, 2023


RE:                       Notice of intent to move an amendment in the nature of a substitute at the May 30, 2023 Additional Legislative Meeting


         This memorandum serves as notice that I intend to move an amendment in the nature of a substitute (ANS) for each of the following measures at the Additional Legislative Meeting scheduled for May 30, 2023:


§  PR 25-151, Fiscal Year 2023 Revised Local Budget Adjustment Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2023

§  Bill 25-205, Fiscal Year 2023 Revised Local Budget Adjustment Emergency Act of 2023

§  Bill 25-206, Fiscal Year 2023 Revised Local Budget Adjustment Temporary Act of 2023


On March 22, 2023, as part of the proposed Fiscal Year 2024 budget package, the Mayor transmitted the above measures. The ANS includes Council adjustments necessary to balance the FY24 budget and financial plan, as well as changes developed in concert with the Office of the Chief Financial Officer and the Executive. The changes in the ANS include:


§  Reductions for underspending and vacancy savings across agencies that is being used in FY24 to balance the budget and financial plan; among those reductions is a $2,082,410 reduction to Department of Behavioral Health to reverse the Mayor’s sweep of the Opioid Abatement Fund;

§  Enhancements to agency budgets, including:

o   $75,000 at DHCD for completion of a TOPA study;

o   $100,000 at DHCD for funding the Rent Stabilized Housing Inflation Protection Emergency Amendment Act of 2023;

o   $33,479,304 in budget authority at DHS for the District’s additional Emergency Rental Assistance funds from the federal government, which are budgeted in Emergency Rental Assistance;

o   $30,000 at DPR to fund the William Dorsey Swann Street Designation Amendment Act of 2023, enacted on May 24, 2023 (D.C. Act 25-103);

o   $2 million to Non-Departmental for a grant to the Douglass Community Land Trust;

    • $20 million capital at District Department of Transportation for PaveDC sidewalk and street repair;

o   $60,050,444 to Workforce Investments Account, per the Mayor’s Errata letter, shifting a portion of charter teacher pay funds within the agency from FY24 to FY23 to facilitate earlier payments;

§  Addition of the Opioid Abatement Fund to the Department of Behavioral Health and ongoing budget authority language;

§  Addition of ongoing budget authority language to the Workforce Investments Account;


Bill 25-205 and Bill 25-206 also contain several legislative provisions, including:


§  Adjustments to certain capital project allotments in FY23;

§  Direction to transfer certain amounts from certified funds and other revenue to the General Fund (including the FY22 ACFR surplus from HPTF and PayGo capital, which were used by the Mayor) to be made available as set forth in the Fiscal Year 2024 budget and financial plan;

§  Authorization to carry over into FY24 remaining unexpended FY23 revenue;

§  Authorization for public charter schoolteacher compensation, also included in the Committee of the Whole print for the FY24 Budget Support Act;

§  Repeal of subject to appropriation provisions in Law 24-315, the Opioid Litigation Proceeds Amendment Act of 2022, and Bill 25-154, the William Dorsey Swann Street Designation Amendment Act of 2023, both funded in Bill 25-205;

§  Amendments to § 47-392.02(j-1), the Fiscal stabilization reserve fund, as included in the FY24 Budget Support Act; and

§  Amendments to the FY23 LBA to adjust an allocation to the Council and add a proviso regarding advance payments to DCPS.


The ANS for PR 25-151 simply revises that emergency declaration resolution considering the changes made to the underlying emergency bill.