Request to Agendize for the July 9, 2024 Legislative Meeting (Alley Sq 3701)

Council of the District of Columbia

Committee of the Whole

1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20004





TO:                 Nyasha Smith, Secretary to the Council


FROM:            Phil Mendelson, Chairman


DATE:             July 3, 2024


RE:          Request to Agendize for the July 9, 2024 Additional Legislative Meeting



This memorandum is to request that the following measures be placed on the agenda for the July 9, 2024 Additional Legislative Meeting:


            Closing of a Public Alley in Square 3701, S.O. 23-06220, Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2024

            Closing of a Public Alley in Square 3701, S.O. 23-06220, Emergency Act of 2024

            Closing of a Public Alley in Square 3701, S.O. 23-06220, Temporary Act of 2024


            This legislation orders the closing of a 10-foot-wide unimproved public alley in Square 3701 abutting Lots 85 and 88 in Ward 5. These lots abut Riggs Road, N.E., and 1st Street, N.E. The purpose of the alley closing is to facilitate the consolidation of the lots into a single record lot, which will enable the owner to the initiate the development of an approximately 104-unit affordable housing project with underground parking.


            Permanent legislation (Bill 25-636) ordering the closure of the alley is on the agenda for the Committee of the Whole meeting on July 9, 2024 and will have first reading at the additional legislative meeting. Second reading will not take place until September. Making the alley closing effective sooner than second reading and congressional review of the permanent legislation will enable the project to proceed without risk of further delay.


The draft measures are attached.  Please call me or Blaine Stum if you have any questions at (202) 724-8092. 



cc:       All Councilmembers

            Council Officers