ANS for September 17, 2024 Legislative Meeting (LBA)



1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20004




TO:                      Nyasha Smith, Secretary to the Council


FROM:              Phil Mendelson, Chairman


DATE:            September 16, 2024


RE:                  Notice of intent to move an amendment in the nature of a substitute for the September 17, 2024 Legislative Meeting


This memorandum serves as notice that I intend to move an amendment in the nature of a substitute (ANS) for the Fiscal Year 2025 Local Budget Emergency Act of 2024 at the additional legislative meeting scheduled for September 17, 2024:


            On September 16, 2024, the Mayor filed an emergency version of the Local Budget Act reflecting the fiscal year 2025 budget as introduced on April 3, 2023 rather than the version adopted by the Council that the Mayor returned unsigned on July 16, 2024.  This is necessary because due to congressional review, the permanent version of the Local Budget Act is not projected to become law until approximately December 7, 2024, while the fiscal year will begin on October 1, 2024.  This amendment in the nature of a substitute will conform the emergency Local Budget Act to the version adopted by the Council in June.


The amendment is attached.  Please contact Jennifer Budoff, Council Budget Director, at 724-5689 if you have any questions.




cc:       All Councilmembers

            Council Officers