Category Archives: Legislative Notices

Staff Draft: Bill 24-570, Schools First in Budgeting

Good Morning,

Please see attached the staff draft for the Friday, September 16th hearing on Bill 24-570: School’s First in Budgeting. The draft should be available on LIMS and the Chairman’s website today.

On Tuesday, September 13th at 11am, I’ll be hosting office hours to answer questions and talk more about the bill in detail. Please also join if you have other education-related questions for the Committee of the Whole’s education staff. If you’re interested Continue Reading

Help Spread the Word About the Early Childhood Educator Pay Equity Fund Information Sessions

Good Afternoon,

Please see the attached flyers and information below regarding the ECE Pay Equity Fund!

Raleigh Blair Lancaster, Esq., L.L.M.


Senior Legislative Counsel

Committee of the Whole, Chairman Phil Mendelson

Council of the District of Columbia

1350 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Suite 410

Washington, DC 20004

Ph: (202) 724-7130

Subscribe to e-mail updates for news and notice of upcoming hearings at

From: Continue Reading

COW Hearing: Student Literacy in the District (July 14, 2022 at 10:00 a.m.)

Council of the District of Columbia
Committee of the Whole

Attached please find the draft witness list and hearing notice for the Committee of the Whole’s upcoming public hearing on:

  • Student Literacy in the District

The hearing is scheduled for July 14, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom.

The hearing notice, final witness list, and all received testimony can be accessed at

To register to view the hearing in real time, please click Continue Reading

COW Regular Meeting (7/12 at Noon)